Complement and enrich our worship services with a wide range of sacred music, music ensembles, and instruments available to adults or youth.
Director of Music Ministry: Ned Perwo
Mr. Perwo received a B.M. in Music Education from The College of New Jersey (formerly Trenton State College) and a Master of Arts in Religion and Church Music from Trinity Lutheran Seminary at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio.
Ned was previously our Director of Music Ministry from 2007-2012 and has returned to an expanded role which includes leadership of our Youth & Family Ministry.
In addition to his duties at Holy Trinity, Mr. Perwo sings bass with the New Jersey Chamber Singers.
If you are interest in more information about the music program please click to email Mr. Perwo
The Holy Trinity Choir
The Holy Trinity Choir is open to high school youth and adults.They rehearse from 7:00-9:00 p.m. on Thursdays from September through June. The choir sings a wide range of soprano, alto, tenor, and bass (SATB) and SATB-Divisi music, both accompanied and a cappella. Its repertoire spans the centuries, from the Renaissance to the present day. No previous singing experience is necessary.
Joyful Noise
Joyful Noise is Holy Trinity’s Saturday Worship Ensemble. It is open to middle school youth, high school youth, and adults. They rehearse from 4:00-4:45 p.m. on Saturdays from September through June. Joyful Noise is comprised of an eclectic mix of instrumentalists and singers of all levels. Its repertoire spans centuries and cultures with a focus on diverse hymnody & worship music. Instrumentalists should feel comfortable learning music quickly in a 45 minute pre-service rehearsal. No previous singing experience is necessary.
The Holy Trinity Choristers
Choristers (grades 2-8 treble voices) rehearse from 5:00-6:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, September through June. Choristers use the RSCM curriculum Voice for Life, which focuses on age appropriate vocal training, sight-singing, and music theory. Choristers sing as their own ensemble in worship once a month. In addition to singing as their ownensemble, Choristers sing with the Holy Trinity Choir as one intergenerational ensemble throughout the program year for seasonal and festival worship services. Rehearsals consist of computer-based music theory training, games, singing, and a lot of fun! All Choristers ring in the Trinity Handchime ensemble. No previous singing or ringing experience is necessary.
The Trinity Ringers
The Trinity Ringers are an intergenerational handbell ensemble of Middle School Youth, High School Youth, and Adults. Rehearsals are the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month from 11:45am – 12:30pm. No previous ringing experience is necessary.
The Trinity Chimes
The Trinity Chimes are an elementary (grades 2-8) Handchime ensemble. Rehearsals are from 5:00-6:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, September through June as part of the Chorister rehearsal.