Our Story
Holy Trinity is a dynamic faith family preparing to celebrate its 100th birthday, deeply-rooted, ever-growing and evolving. Church members first gathered in 1914, worshiping on Sunday afternoons in what was then the Manasquan Presbyterian Church. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity was officially formed in 1922 with 27 charter members. It became the sole owner of the property for a fee of $1 and the promise that God would be worshiped at least once a week. Through the years, the church building has undergone numerous renovations and expansions to accommodate its growing baptized membership of 800 and counting.
Today we are a community of faith seeking to discover, live out and share the Good News of God's love. Our vision is to continually build a spiritual community in which faith is active in love as we worship God and serve our neighbor. We are fond of our beautiful sanctuary, seasoned by a century of prayer and praise, a blessed place where we celebrate the Sacraments and gather in times of both joy and sorrow. Ultimately, WE are "the church," bearing Christ's name ("Christian"), representing and channeling Christ to everyone we meet. Our shepherd is Pastor Mary Virginia Farnham.
We work alongside other churches in our community to help the Kingdom come and God's will to be done: feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, accompanying the lonely, encouraging the hopeless, advocating for the voiceless. We take the message of Jesus out to meet people where they are, as well as welcoming them into our physical church home. We are uniquely equipped to invite, welcome, and serve, supported by the deep commitment of our church members and staff, and the tremendous number of volunteer hours invested in ministry.