Social Ministry is dedicated to serving the needs of our congregation and community. We support organizations that are helping people facing crisis, meeting personal or family needs at a most vulnerable time. We respond with care and compassion ready to serve and love our neighbor.
We believe that Christ has freed us to embrace and care for people of all ages, ethnicity, religion, and financial status. We are called to do God’s work in this very complex world. The services we provide are as diverse as the needs of the people and communities that we serve.
Social Ministry is ready to respond and do God’s work, whether it be providing temporary housing and food for the homeless through Family Promise, assisting individuals and families with the Furniture Bank/Kitchen & Linen Brigade, supporting the Manasquan Food Pantry or assisting our during a disaster response.
Supporting External Organizations:
Food Pantry at the Manasquan Presbyterian Church
Family Promise of Monmouth County
Holy Trinity Furniture Bank/Kitchen & Linen Brigade
CROP Hunger Walk for Church World Services
Jersey Shore Rescue Mission
Lutheran Disaster Response Fund
180 Turning Lives Around
Providence House of Ocean County
Common Ground Grief Center
Redeem Her
Ocean’s Harbor House
Interfaith Neighbors
Lutheran Social Ministry of NJ
Sustainable Schools International
Madonna House
NAMI- National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
CASA- Court Appointed Special Advocates
Boys and Girls Club of Monmouth County in Asbury Park
Contact- Help for Homeless Teens and Runaway Youth
Supporting Holy Trinity's Ministries:
Nearly New Clothing Sale
Mother s Day Gift Sale
Thanksgiving Food Collection
Christmas Giving Tree
Gift Bags at Easter and Christmas to support PastorManasquanal visits of Homebound
Advent and Lenten Dinners
“Souper Bowl” canned food collection
Winter Coat Drive
Coffee Hour
Back to School collection of supplies and gift cards